Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Crimes & Unemployment..

Unemployment & Crimes

Unemployment and crime are very closely interlinked. Studies in the West
have shown that the economic situation in a country is closely linked to
crime trends. Similarly a local study conducted by Abdul Aziz and Hj.
Ahmad Ragib (1987) have similarly concluded that there is a significant
correlation between employment and property crime in the police

A more recent study by Mohd Sabri (2002) showed that the
effects of unemployment to property crime could be seen by the rise in
property crimes during the economic downturn in 1997. He went on to
show that 75 % of those convicted of crimes did so due to
unemployment and difficulty in finding a higher paying job.

The study also showed that amongst the convicted criminals 43 % of them did so
to upkeep their drug related habits. Thus it can be seen that property
crime offenders were mainly unemployed or holding low paying jobs and
were involved in crime to supplement their drug related habits.

The above findings are further verified by the statistics, obtained
from the Prisons Department, showing the relationship between low paying
jobs to involvement in crime.

It can be seen from below figure that the percentage
of criminals earning below the Malaysian Real per Capita Income of RM
13,70845 (which makes it to RM 1,142 per month) is alarming i.e approx.

Monthly Income(RM) Total Prisoners Percentage

Unemployed 8,543 17.3 %
Below 250 4,027 8.2 %
250 – 500 11,880 24.1 %
500-750 14,778 30.0 %
750 – 1000 7,573 15.5 %
1000 – 1500 1,696 3.4 %
1500 – 3000 746 1.5 %

Total 49, 243 100 %

Info's Taken:

The Malaysian Quality of Life Report 2004, Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s Dept.
Statistics from Prisons Department, Malaysia.
Census 2000 Report, Statistics Dept.
Keynote address by Dato Seri Samy Vellu, MIC President, at the MIC National Workshop for

Divisional Youth Leaders and launch of Anti-Violence Campaign on 8 / 10 / 2000 in Kuala Lumpur.

Understanding of Crimes...

CRIME - A crime is a wrongdoing classified by the state or Congress as a felony or misdemeanor. A crime is an offence against a public law/Malaysian law.

This word, in its most general sense, includes all offences, but in its more limited sense is confined to felony.

The term offence may be considered as having the same meaning, but is usually understood to be a crime not indictable but punishable, summarily or by the forfeiture of a penalty.

A felony is a serious crime punishable by at least one year in prison. Some family law felonies include kidnapping and custodial interference (in some states).People convicted of felonies lose certain rights, such as the right to vote or hold public office. During the term of sentence, the convicted person may also be prohibited from making contracts, marrying, suing or keeping certain professional licenses. Upon release from prison, the convict may also be required to register with the police.

A misdemeanor is a crime for which the punishment is usually a fine and/or up to one year in a county jail. Often a crime which is a misdemeanor for the first offense becomes a felony for repeated offenses. All crimes that are not felonies are misdemeanors.Crimes are defined and punished by statutes and by the common law. Most common law offences are as well known and as precisely ascertained as those which are defined by statutes; yet, from the difficulty of exactly defining and describing every act which ought to be punished, the vital and preserving principle has been adopted; that all immoral acts which tend to the prejudice of the community are punishable by courts of justice.

Crimes are 'mala in se,' or bad in themselves, and these include all offences against the moral law; or they are 'mala prohibita,' bad because prohibited, as being against sound policy which, unless prohibited, would be innocent or indifferent.

Crimes may be classified into such as affect in most of the counrtries especially in Malaysia :-

1. Religion And Public Worship:
i. Blasphemy.
ii. Disturbing public worship.

2. The Sovereign Power:
i. Treason.
ii. Misprision of treason.

3. The Current Coin:
1. Counterfeiting or impairing it.

4. Public justice:
1. Bribery of judges or jurors, or receiving the bribe.
2. Perjury.
3. Prison breaking.
4. Rescue.
5. Barratry.
6. Maintenance.
7. Champerty.
8. Compounding felonies.
9. Misprision of felonies.
10. Oppression.
11. Extortion.
12. Suppressing evidence.
13. Negligence or misconduct in inferior officers.
14. Obstructing legal process.
15. Embracery.

5. Public Peace:
1. Challenges to fight a duel.
2. Riots, routs and unlawful assemblies.
3. Affrays.
4. Libels.

6. Public Trade:
1. Cheats.
2. Forestalling.
3. Regrating.
4. Engrossing.
5. Monopolies.

7. Chastity:
1. Sodomy.
2. Adultery.
3. Incest.
4. Bigamy.
5. Fornication.

8. Decency And Morality:
1. Public indecency.
2. Drunkenness.
3. Violatiug the grave.-

9. Public Police And Economy:
1. Common nuisances.
2. Keeping disorderly houses and bawdy houses.
3. Idleness, vagrancy, and beggary.-

10. Public Policy:
1. Gambling.
2. Illegal lotteries.-

11. Individuals:
1. Homicide, which is justifiable, excusable or felonious.
2. Mayhem.
3. Rape.
4. Poisoning, with intent to murder.
5. Administering drugs to a woman quick with child to cause, miscarriage.
6. Concealing death of bastard child.
7. Assault and battery, which is either simple or with intent to commit some other crime.
8. kidnapping.
9. False imprisonment.
10. Abduction.

12. Private Property:
1. Burglary.
2. Arson.
3. Robbery.
6. Larceny.
7. Receiving stolen goods, knowing them to have been stolen, or theft-bote.
8. Malicious mischief.

13. The Public, Individuals, Or Their Property, According To The Intent Of The Criminal:
1. Conspiracy.

Above are some of the crimes in Malaysia that can be listed out for your understandings.


To everyone,

This would be a blog for everyone who is interested to know more in detail about crimes and investigations that take place througout nationwide.I believe there are a lot of incidents,crimes,investigations that not been revelead neither by media nor cops.

We opened this post for you to share your own takes on the subject with all of us, which we might also include on our blog. Hopefully it would help us all understand the causes of crime, so that we can digg in to find real solutions that are not limited to punishment measures.

If you are involved in crime, tell us why, what is the cause underneath your criminal activities. We want to understand you and help you find a better way if could, as well as help all our brothers and sisters in arms around Malaysia.

Go for it at the comment section. Be free to let your voice be heard.